Start your journey to
True Connection
for free!
Take the first step TODAY!
Start improving your training by improving YOU!
Check out my NEW free E-book, 3 steps to the heart of your horse
The Way to True Connection
Lucie Klaassen
You can only connect to another, in as far as you are connected to yourself.
Learn 3 Simple Steps to the Heart of your Horse
Breathe - Trust - Connect
A good training starts with YOU!!
Start your journey to
True Connection for free!
Take the first step today!
Start improving your training by improving you!
Check out my new FREE E-book including video tutorials
True Connection Horse Training
Lucie Klaassen
You can only connect to another, in as far as you are connected to yourself.
Learn 3 Simple Steps to the Heart of your Horse
Breathe - Trust - Connect
A good training starts with YOU!!
True Connection Groundwork
I believe that you can only connect to another being in as far as you are connected to yourself. So it starts with YOU!
That's why I created the online True Connection course, a foundation groundwork course to become the person your horse WANTS to be with. Watch your free lesson above!
Your FREE lesson from the True Connection course
True Connection Riding
Learn how to ride based on your breathing, energy and your seat. And if you can do this, then you might as well take the cavesson or bridle off...
In this video you will learn:
Your FREE lesson from the True Connection RIDING course
Watch these videos with loads of free content!
Another E-book and free videos with loads of content!
Spinal Alignment
Learn 3 reasons why spinal alignment is important:
1) ENERGY from the hind legs to the head.
2) INFORMATION from/to the brain.
Are you ready to take it a step further?
Start with a journey to True Connection!
Join me on a journey to True Connection, with yourself and with your horse.
From that place of connection and true understanding and communication, learn how to train your horse to become more balanced, flexible and collected with Lateral Movements, so everything you do with your horse become easier and more beautiful and you can enjoy riding your horse for as long as possible!
Are you ready to take it a step further?
Start with a journey to
True Connection!
Join me on a journey to True Connection, with yourself and with your horse.
From that place of connection and true understanding and communication, learn how to train your horse to become more balanced, flexible and collected with Lateral Movements, so everything you do with your horse become easier and more beautiful and you can enjoy riding your horse for as long as possible!
Vorden, the Netherlands
(31) 641 206 107
I want to make a soulful and inspirational contribution to the horse world where welfare, connection and communication between human and horse are the basis of everything we do with our horse.
I believe everyone can learn how to connect to their authentic self, to become the human your horse WANTS to be with. Understand and feel the depth of the breath, listen to the wisdom of your body and connect from the heart. From that place, help your horse become stronger, more flexible , better balanced and collected so that you enjoy a healthy life together!
Videos: Jill Bakker
Illustrations: Heather Nelson
Pictures: Maybel van der Linden,
Celine Rieck, Anne Mette Graumann
© Copyrights by Lucie Klaassen. All Rights Reserved.