True Connection
Horse Training
Lucie Klaassen
Living my dream!
I teach people from all over the world, both in live clinics and in my online courses. Whatever I do, there is one topic that unites all my teaching; True Connection between horses and their humans. I feel so blessed to be able to do this. This is how my journey started;
When I was young, my dream was to have my own pony. We couldn't afford it, so I always looked for ponies to care for. There was no riding school where I lived, so I just tried to figure it all out for myself. I loved just being with them, spending whole afternoons with them in the field. I believe that that's how I learned to communicate in a very natural way with horses, based on my intention and body language.
True Connection
Horse Training
Lucie Klaassen
Living my dream!
I teach people from all over the world, both in live clinics and in my online courses. Whatever I do, there is one topic that unites all my teaching; True Connection between horses and their humans. I feel so blessed to be able to do this. This is how my journey started;
When I was young, my dream was to have my own pony. We couldn't afford it, so I always looked for ponies to care for. There was no riding school where I lived, so I just tried to figure it all out for myself. I loved just being with them, spending whole afternoons with them in the field. I believe that that's how I learned to communicate in a very natural way with horses, based on my intention and body language.
Me, about 14 years old. Loved just sitting (or lying) bareback on Ragi, a Fjord I have looked after for years.
I loved spending the afternoon with the ponies in the field, bringing my lunch for a picknick.
Let's jump! Just get something to jump over and follow the movement of the horse.
When jumping competition on Saturday was over, I would go on Sunday and lower the jumps. Never let a wall stop you😄!
Me, about 14 years old. Loved just sitting (or lying) bareback on Ragi, a Fjord I have looked after for years.
I loved spending the afternoon with the ponies in the field, bringing my lunch for a picknick.
Let's jump! Just get something to jump over and follow the movement of the horse.
When jumping competition on Saturday was over, I would go on Sunday and lower the jumps. Never let a wall stop you😄!
Bombero came into my life when I was already 40+ (you are never too old to start something new!). He had a physical problem in his right front foot. After a medical journey of more than 2 years, I was told that I could no longer ride him and that it was better to let him go.
I wasn't ready for that!
I decided to learn everything I could to keep him as fit, healthy and happy as possible! Groundwork made him stronger and more flexible in the hind legs so he could relieve the painful front leg. He didn't like the cavesson, so we did more and more at liberty. The Masterson Method helped him relieve physical and mental tension and it helped me to notice every subtle signal he was giving me. That also changed my way of training.
Everything I know today, I know because of him❤️.
Tribute to my horse, Bombero
Tribute to my horse, Bombero
Bombero came into my life when I was already 40+ (you are never too old to start something new!). He had a physical problem in his right front foot. After a medical journey of more than 2 years, I was told that I could no longer ride him and that it was better to let him go.
I wasn't ready for that!
I decided to learn everything I could to keep him as fit, healthy and happy as possible! Groundwork made him stronger and more flexible in the hind legs so he could relieve the painful front leg. He didn't like the cavesson, so we did more and more at liberty. The Masterson Method helped him relieve physical and mental tension and it helped me to notice every subtle signal he was giving me. That also changed my way of training.
Everything I know today, I know because of him❤️.
Bombero didn't like anything around his head. We both loved playing at liberty.
My brother Albert and Bombero. They found a way to comfort each other. Rest in peace, both of you❤️
Groundwork and lateral work made him stronger and more flexible in the hind legs.
We were together for another 6 years and I could even ride him again on easy trail rides.
Bombero didn't like anything around his head. We both loved playing at liberty.
My brother Albert and Bombero. They found a way to comfort each other. Rest in peace, both of you❤️
Groundwork and lateral work made him stronger and more flexible in the hind legs.
We were together for another 6 years and I could even ride him again on easy trail rides.
Life with horses now
Everything in life is based on balance, the balance between giving and receiving, between leading and following, between respect and trust. The horse must be horizontally and vertically balanced to be able to carry a rider and the rider must be balanced while riding in order to be able to follow and guide the movement of the horse.
I have worked in the financial world for 25 years and only after a burnout, I realized that I was no longer balanced myself. Thanks to my horses, I found inner peace and harmony again. Horses teach you to be fully present. If your attention is not 100% with the horse in this moment, you will lose the connection. From this experience I decided to follow my heart and work full time with horses.
I do not follow one method or trainer, I love to learn from different teachers and I try to stay open to everything and then find my own way. Now I have a huge ‘toolbox’ that I can use. I think there is not ONE method that fits every horse and rider. Every horse is unique so I do a lot by intuition and feel. The horse will tell me what he/she needs…
My toolbox:
Squire in the Academic Art of Riding
Straightness Training Instructor
Centered Riding instructor
Freestyle Instructor
EAD coach (Equine Assisted Development)
Masterson Method Instructor
NLP practitioner
Holistic massage therapist (for humans)
Specialist in horse behavior and trauma
To connect with your horse, you need to connect with yourself first, so breathing, awareness and body work are an integrated part of my life and my lessons. That way, I can offer a holistic approach.
I give international Body Awareness workshops and Balanced Rider & Horse clinics and have had the pleasure of teaching in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the UK. I would love to come to your country as well!
I would love to guide you and your horse to physical and mental balance!
Are you ready to take it a step further?
Start with a journey to True Connection!
Join me on a journey to True Connection, with yourself and with your horse.
From that place of connection and true understanding and communication, learn how to train your horse to become more balanced, flexible and collected with Lateral Movements, so everything you do with your horse become easier and more beautiful and you can enjoy each other for as long as possible!
Are you ready to take it a step further?
Start with a journey to True Connection!
Join me on a journey to True Connection, with yourself and with your horse.
From that place of connection and true understanding and communication, learn how to train your horse to become more balanced, flexible and collected with Lateral Movements, so everything you do with your horse become easier and more beautiful and you can enjoy each other for as long as possible!
How does True Connection look like?
A short video from 2018 when my horse Bombero is also still part of my life❤️.
How does True Connection look like?
A short video from 2018 when my horse Bombero is also still part of my life❤️.
Vorden, the Netherlands
(31) 641 206 107
I want to make a soulful and inspirational contribution to the horse world where welfare, connection and communication between human and horse are the basis of everything we do with our horse.
I believe everyone can learn how to connect to their authentic self, to become the human your horse WANTS to be with. Understand and feel the depth of the breath, listen to the wisdom of your body and connect from the heart. From that place, help your horse become stronger, more flexible , better balanced and collected so that you enjoy a healthy life together!
Videos: Jill Bakker
Illustrations: Heather Nelson
Pictures: Maybel van der Linden,
Celine Rieck, Anne Mette Graumann
© Copyrights by Lucie Klaassen. All Rights Reserved.